At Saniss, campaigns related to Health, Wellness and Pharmateuticals; Health Foods or Drinks; Prevention Campaigns, Public Health Projects, Hair Beauty, Dermocosmetics, Skin Care; Institutional communication of Public and Private Hospitals; Public Health Ministries and Entities; Private Health Insurers, Medical Associations; Health NGOs; Opticians, Laboratories; Yoga Centers, Saunas, Spas and Gyms, among other options.

At the 2023 Saniss Awards, all actions involving health and well-being will be evaluated by an international panel of judges.

The selection process for the best health cases, is divided into 3 important moments: 1 / Registration, 2 / Shortlist, 3 / Publication of the top submissions.

Evaluation & methodology

Phase 1 / Registration

Networks of multinational, independent and in-house advertising agencies, can upload up to 5 cases, free of registration costs, to Saniss. These networks do not have to be specialized in Health. At Saniss, only winners pay award fees for entries that win Gold, Silver or Bronze medals.

Start of registration of agencies and entries: October 10

Phase 2 / Shortlist

After the judging carried out by the judges online, the list of winners and the best scores will be published on our official site, in allied media and through press releases to the entire creative community and specialized in issues related to the sector.

Shortlist Publication: February 28

Phase 3 / Publication of the best

Once the winners have paid the award rights, they will be considered official winners at the festival. The caliber of each trophy obtained will only be known at the award ceremony held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Awards’ Ceremony: March 31, 2023